Operator’s Manual
0052210 rev. 006
seCtion 8: anaLoG, sdi-12, modBus
• if the PLC or recorder ceases to function due to power loss, the Level
TROLL will continue to collect data using its own internal batteries and
A port-powered RS485 converter like that shown for Modbus connections
may be used for temporary connection of the Level TROLL to a serial port
on a PC.
For more InFormatIon
For additional information on Modbus and SDI-12 communications,
including the SDI-12 commands and Modbus registers, see these In-Situ
technical notes:
SDI-12 Commands and Level TROLL Responses. November 2006.
In-Situ Modbus Communication Protocol. Bill Bonner, Senior Software
Engineer, In-Situ Inc., version 6, January 2007.
They are available on the In-Situ software/resource CD, and in the
Downloads section of the In-Situ web site at www.In-Situ.com