Operator’s Manual
0052210 rev. 006
add a neW SIte
Logged data are organized and filed by the
where the data were
logged. This feature can help you manage data from multiple sites. You
can create as many sites as you like, with or without a Level TROLL
connected. Sites are stored in the site database in your Win-Situ working
directory and are available to select for any Level TROLL, any log.
You will need a site when setting up a data log. To set up a new site:
1. Do one of the following:
• With a device connected: On the Home tab, click the Site button
on the dashboard. When the Site List is displayed, click the “New”
• With or without a device connected: On the Data tab, click the Site
Data folder, select File menu > New > Site.
seCtion 4: usinG Win-situ
Home tab
Site button
Data tab
Site Data folder
C:\Documents and Settings\ [Login] \My Documents\WinSitu Data\Site Data
A default site
is supplied and
may be used, but it
does not contain any
specific information on the
location where the Aqua
TROLL collected data. For
more information on sites,
see Win-Situ’s on-line help.