November 16, 2017
Rev 1.1
Figure 26: Image enhancement.
3.8.1 Gamma
Enabling gamma allows stretching and compressing image luminance
(brightness) in a scene with wide dynamic range so both bright and dark areas
are visible on the display. The drop-down menu provides a choice of eight
settings ranging from darker (1.3) to brighter (1/1.3). Values from 1.3 to 2.2
compress the dark regions and stretch the brighter regions of the image so the
bright regions have more detail in the display. Values from 1/1.3 to 1 / 2.2
stretch the dark intensities while compressing the bright regions so more detail is
visible in the darker regions of the image.
Black gamma provides adjustments to the dark parts of the image. Applying both
black gamma and normal gamma enables compressing the mid-range intensities
while stretching the detail in the brightest and darkest regions of the image. The
drop-down menu provides a choice of eight settings ranging from darker (1.3) to
brighter (1/1.3). You can also apply a weighting factor of 10%, 20%, or 30% to
your black gamma settings.
3.8.2 Lookup Table
The Lookup Table (LUT) feature allows you to modify the original video data to
create a better match between the intensity values of interest and the dynamic
range of the display screen. The camera supports up to four LUTs; one is factory
pre-set with Gamma 0.45. Users can upload custom LUTs using the Imperx
Upload Utility. Select an LUT from the Lookup Table drop-down. The check box
enables/disables your selected LUT
control of
the camera’s base gamma
The following user-configurable LUTs are pre-programmed:
LUT#1: Gamma 0.45 (1/2.22)