November 16, 2017
Rev 1.1
Figure 14: Command Terminal command to addresses 055C and register 0560.
The Disable Polling check box turns polling commands on or off for frame time,
exposure time, frame rate, and so on. You can change the polling time in
milliseconds by entering a number in the Polling Time field.
The software displays error messages when the camera returns a command
error. You can disable error checking by selecting the Disable Error Checking
check box.
Soft Reset
Resets all current camera settings to default values according to the current Boot
From selection.
Use the Connection menu to switch ports and change baud rates.
Figure 15: Connections lets you control ports and baud rates.
Switch Port
use this option to switch the com port/camera. You can also
Rescan Ports before switching.
Set Baud Rate
use this to change the speed of data transmission. A higher baud
rate number indicates the transfer of more bits per second. Baud rates are 9600,
19200, 28400, 57600, and 115200. The factory default is 115,200.