Nexio® NLE Gateway
Chapter 4
Installation Guide
Installing the Mac NLE Client
© 2014 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
November 2014 | Page 42
The installer auto-detects if a specific NLE application is already installed on the system and
will default to installing plug-ins for them all. If you want to exclude a plug-in for a specific
application, you can un-check the appropriate box.
You must install Nexio Browser and Nexio Preference with Nexio NLE Gateway regardless of the
supported NLE applications.
If a Nexio NLE Gateway is not connected to the NLE client, it is still possible to utilize the FTP export
plug-ins which connect via the Nexio FTP Server.
Using the Nexio LXF Export Plug-in for Mac
Download the Nexio LXF Export plug-in from the ICC software portal.
Locate the Nexio LXF Export.pkg icon on the installation media and double-click it to launch the
installer. The LXF Export Welcome window displays.