Nexio® NLE Gateway
Chapter 3
Installation Guide
Configuring the NLE Gateway Software
© 2014 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
November 2014 | Page 33
Using Nexio Config
You must use the Nexio Config software application to configure the core Nexio components of the NLE
Gateway to allow it to connect properly to the Nexio SAN environment.
Installing the MB Server Service
MB Server is a service that supports the NLE plug-ins. It provides MediaBase metadata to the various
metadata fields within the export plug-ins. MB Server communicates directly to the LLM so that multiple
client applications do not have to connect directly to the LLM
Download the latest MB Server installer
Run the MB Server
Confirm that the MB Server service is running. Open the Windows Task Manager and select the
tab. Look for
Imagine Communications MB Server
. Confirm that the status shows
Installing the PostgreSQL Database
PostgreSQL is an open source relational database system that is a required component of the Nexio NLE
Gateway software system. PostgreSQL must be installed on your NLE Gateway device. Here is a
summary list of the tasks you must perform to configure PostgreSQL.
Download and install the InstallPostGreSQLForCIFS batch installer
Historically, Nexio CIFS has been deployed to the field as a pre-imaged server. The following describes
the procedure needed to install CIFS dependencies including PostGreSQL 9.3.0, CIFS/nxdb database,
tables and views, database drivers and operating system configuration modifications for servers that are
not distributed with a pre-installed environment.