Nexio® NLE Gateway
Chapter 2
Installation Guide
the NLE Gateway Hardware
© 2014 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
November 2014 | Page 11
this, connect the networks as described in case 3, leaving enough spare connectors on the alternate
switch to allow support of all cables from its partner. If one switch fails or goes down for maintenance,
the connections can be moved to the empty jacks on the alternate switch, to restore full redundancy
IP Addresses
The following definitions apply:
IP Term
IP address
Decimal notation such as
Generic name for the four parts of the IP address.
Each IP address must have four octets.
Subnet Mask
The part of the IP address that forms the network
Network ID
The part of the address defined by the subnet
mask. For example, a subnet mask of means that the Netowork ID of the
IP address is above
Host ID
The ID outside the subnet mask. In this case 1.
The final octet of the IP address. In this case 1.
The IP addresses on a Nexio system must conform to the following rule. The difference between the
LSB8 of the Nexio NLE gateway NICs A and B, NICs C and D, and client NICs 1 and 2 must be equal
regardless of subnet mask.
IP Rule Stated as a Formula:
(LSB8 NIC A) minus (LSB8 NIC B) must equal (LSB8 NIC1) minus (LSB8 NIC 2)
(LSB NIC C) minus (LSB8 NIC D) must equal (LSB8 NIC1) minus LSB8 NIC 2)
The easiest way to follow this rule is to use class C networks and assign different Network IDs to each
NIC on a Nexio Media Host and use the same Host ID among the NICs.
Class C Network Example
Nexio Media Host node 1, use these IP addresses:
Nexio Media Host node 2, use these IP addresses: