NAVAIR 17—2OAX—737
4.12.15 Set the
frequency switches to 334.700 MHz.
4.12.16 Verify that the harmonic spurious noise is 63 dB below the carrier level at ±12.5kHz from the TI
334.700 MHz carrier frequency.
4.12.17 Verify that the harmonic spurious noise is ~74 dB below the carrier level at ±25.0kHz from the TI
334.700 MHz carrier frequency.
4.12.18 Set the spectrum analyzer for a frequency span of 10 kHz/div, the resolution bandwidth to 300 Hz,
the video bandwidth to 300 Hz, and the attenuator and position controls as necessary for a single—sideband
noise measurement at ±100kHz from the TI 334.700 MHz carrier frequency as stated in a 1 kHz resolution
When converting 300 Hz bandwidth data to 1 kHz bandwidth data, subtract 5.23 dB from
the 300 Hz bandwidth data.
4.12.19 Verify that the broad band noise is .80 dB below the TI 334.700 MHz carrier level. (See the note
prior to this step.)
4.12.20 Set the TI frequency switches to 108.000 MHz.
4.12.21 Set the spectrum analyzer for a frequency span of 10 kHz/div, the resolution bandwidth to 300 Hz,
the video bandwidth to 300 Hz, and the attenuator and position controls as necessary for a single—sideband
noise measurement at ±100kHz from the TI 108.000 MHz carrier frequency as stated in a 1 kHz resolution
4.12.22 Verify that the broadband noise is 80 dB below the TI 108.000 MHz carrier level. (See the note
prior to step 4.12.19.)
4.12.23 Disconnect the spectrum analyzer from the TI.
4.13.1 Set the TI controls as follows:
FREQUENCY MHz switches to
MASTER MOD control to
UNCAL [fullyccw (0)]
Output attenuator control to
—10 dBm
4.13.2 Connect the spectrum analyzer input to the
output connector.
4.13.3 Set the spectrum analyzer for a frequency span of 100 MHz/div with a 3 MHz resolution bandwidth.
For the following tests, set the spectrum analyzer frequency span and center frequency
controls as necessary to check the level ofthe harmonics of the TI signals.