NAVAIR 17—2OAX—737
4.6.15 Set the TI FREQUENCY MHz switches to 108.000.
4.6.16 Adjust the TI 9960 FM tone modulation control to the UNCAL [fully ccw (0)] position. Set the
distortion analyzer controls for distortion measurement of a 30 Hz fundamental, as applicable.
4.6.17 Verify that the distortion analyzer indicates ~0.5% total harmonic distortion.
4.6.18 Set the TI 9960 FM tone modulation control to the CAL (UNCAL lamp off) position.
4.6.19 Set the TI frequency switch to 118.000 MHz. Set the distortion analyzer controls for distortion
measurement of a 1020 Hz fundamental, as applicable.
4.6.20 Verify that the distortion analyzer indicates ~0.5% total harmonic distortion.
4.6.21 If the TI is a NAV—750B, proceed with step 4.6.22. Otherwise, if the TI is not a NAV—750B, skip
to step 4.6.28.
4.6.22 Set the TI FREQUENCY MHz switches to 075.000, and the Meter function and Tone Selector
switch to 400 Hz.
4.6.23 Set the distortion analyzer controls for distortion measurement of a 400 Hz fundamental, as
applicable, and verify that the distortion analyzer indicates ~.0.7% total harmonic distortion.
4.6.24 Set the TI meter function and tone selector switch tol300 Hz.
4.6.25 Set the distortion analyzer controls for distortion measurement of a 1300 Hz fundamental, as
applicable, and verify that the distortion analyzer indicates 0.7% total harmonic distortion.
4.6.26 Set the TI meter Function and the Tone Selector switch to 3000 Hz.
4.6.27 Set the distortion analyzer controls for distortion measurement of a 3000 Hz fundamental, as
applicable, and verify that the distortion analyzer indicates ~0.7% total harmonic distortion.
4.6.28 Disconnect the distortion analyzer from the TI.
4.7.1 Set the TI controls as follows:
FREQUENCY MHz switches to
Meter function switch to
9960 Hz FM tone MOD control to
UNCAL [fullyccw (0)]
30 Hz tone MOD control to
CAL (UNCAL lamp off)
1020 Hz indent tone MOD control to
CAL (UNCAL lamp off)
MASTER MOD control to
CAL (UNCAL lamp off)
Output attenuator control to
—20 dBm
LOC—G/S frequency switch to
LOC DDM switch to
G/S DDM switch to