SmartModul CR2512
8 Parameter settings
Automatic saving of the communication and unit parameters can be activated or
deactivated by means of the "save all parameters" entry (see object directory,
index 1010)� When the value 0x02 is entered into SIdx 01, all parameters are auto-
matically saved if changes were made�
With the value 0x00 there is no automatic saving, i�e� changed parameters will only
be valid until the unit is switched off or until the next reset is made�
With the function "restore" (see object directory, index 1011) the parameters (ex-
cept the baud rate and the node ID) can be assigned to the factory default values�
With the next power on they become valid�
Control characteristics (index 2004���7)
The current control behaviour can be parameterised separately for each channel
pair in the P and I values� For each of the 4 output pairs the max� load current [mA]
has to be indicated� By means of this value the respective measuring range (1 A or
4 A) is automatically selected�
Explanation of the abbreviations:
0x���= hexadecimal number
0b��� = bit-coded
0d��� = decimalnumerical value
str = string
rw = read-write
ro = read only
u8 = unsigned 8 bit
u16 = unsigned 16 bit
u32 = unsigned 32 bit