System Manual
PDM360NG (CR1080, CR1081, CR9042) Target V01
CAN in the PDM360
CAN POUs to CANopen
PDO-Mapping: Properties
The PDO properties defined in the standard can be edited in a dialogue via properties.
Every PDO message requires a clear COB ID (communication object identifier). If an option is not
supported by the module or the value must not be changed, the field is grey and cannot be edited.
Inhibit Time
The inhibit time (100 µs) is the minimum time between two messages of this PDO so that the messages
which are transferred when the value is changed are not transmitted too often. The unit is 100 µs.
Transmission Type
For transmission type you receive a selection of possible transmission modes for this module:
acyclic – synchronous
After a change the PDO is transferred with the next SYNC.
cyclic – synchronous
The PDO is transferred synchronously. [Number of SYNCs] indicates the number of the synchronisation
messages between two transmissions of this PDO.
asynchronous – device profile specific
The PDO is transmitted on event, i.e. when the value is changed. The device profile defines which data
can be transferred in this way.
asynchronous – manufacturer specific
The PDO is transmitted on event, i.e. when the value is changed. The device manufacturer defines which
data is transferred in this way.
(a)synchronous – RTR only
These services are not implemented.
Number of SYNCs
Depending on the transmission type this field can be edited to enter the number of synchronisation
messages (definition in the CAN parameter dialogue of [Com. Cycle Period], [Sync Window Length],
[Sync. COB ID]) after which the PDO is to be transmitted again.
Depending on the transmission type the period in milliseconds [ms] required between two transmissions
of the PDO is indicated in this field.
Tab [Service Data Objects]
Index, name, value, type and default
Here all objects of the EDS or DCF file are listed which are in the range from index 2000
to 9FFF
and defined as writable. Index, name, value, type and default are indicated for every object. The value
can be changed. Select the value and press the [space bar]. After the change you can confirm the
value with the button [Enter] or reject it with [ESC].
For the initialisation of the CAN bus the set values are transferred as SDOs (Service Data Object) to
the CAN module thus having direct influence on the object directory of the CANopen slave. Normally
they are written again at every start of the application program – irrespective of whether they are
permanently stored in the CANopen slave.