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Bootloader mode, Diagnosis mode, Get PIN, Get Numeric, Get Function Key, Get PIN for Pro,
Display and Get Key for Pro and Active PINpad, Activate/Deactivate Passwords, load cert, load
key and load important data for PINpad cannot enter sleep mode.
Other PIN Pad Group (Task)
Get Encrypted PIN
Command Body:
75 46 07 <KeyType><PAN (Account#)><LCD len><LCD Command format>
<Key Type>- 1 byte.
0x00- MKSK-TDES,
External Plaintext PAN
External Plaintext PAN
External Ciphertext PAN
External Ciphertext PAN
[<PAN (Account#)>] - external account, ASCII code for digital (0x30 – 0x39):
<Key Type> is 0x00 or 0x01, the PAN is Plaintext (Removal detection enable valid), 16 bytes.
<Key Type> is 0x10 or 0x11, the PAN is Ciphertext: Removal detection enable valid, Ciphertext
PAN is encrypted by PAN Encryption Key from pairing, uses PAN Encryption Key as Key, use 8
bytes 0 as IV, TDES and CBC encrypt the Plaintext PAN Format (24 bytes) to get 24 bytes
Encrypted PAN.
<LCD len> - 1 byte. The length of LCD Command format.
<LCD Command format> - 1~20 bytes ASCII code Display Message.
Response Body:
0x06 if operation is successful, or 0x15 Error Code if it is not successful.
Waiting for entering PIN. And:
If Get Encrypted PIN with DUKPT Key under Triple DES: 06 + 20 ASCII code KSN + 16 ASCII
code Encrypted PIN block
If Get Encrypted PIN with MKSK: 06 + 16 ASCII code Encrypted PIN block
If Get Encrypted PIN using Plaintext PAN:
If the Plaintext PAN is error, response 15 07 02 If Get Encrypted PIN using Encrypted PAN:
If there is no BDK of Pairing MSR Key, response 15 07 00
If there is BDK of Pairing MSR Key, but not implement Pairing successfully, response 15 07 01
If implement Pairing successfully, but the Encrypted PAN is error, response 15 07 02 15 07 00 –
No BDK of Pairing MSR Key
15 07 01 – Have BDK of Pairing MSR Key, Not Pairing with MSR (No PAN Encryption Key)
15 07 02 – PAN is Error
15 07 03 – Pairing Failed
15 07 04 –MSR Pairing Key Other Error
If related key was not loaded, response 15 04 00
If PIN DUKPT Key was STOP, response 15 73 00
If MKSK algorithm was used more than 120 times in a hours, response 15 72 00 Wait 30
Seconds, The Pin Len default is 4~12