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(12345678) and the device will beep to indicate
When the LCD screen displays “Please input new password”, enter new password 1. Note that
new passwords cannot be the same as the default loading key passwords. The L100 will beep
short tone twice.
When the LCD screen displays “Please input new password again”, re-enter new password 1.
The L100 will beep short tone twice.
If the password is modified successfully, the L100 beeps short tone twice and the new password
1 is now a user activation password.
The PIN Pad will continue beeping. When the LCD screen displays “Please input another
password,” enter default password B (87654321).
When the LCD screen displays “Please input new password”, enter new password 2. Note that
new passwords cannot be the same as the default loading key passwords. The L100 will beep
short tone twice.
When LCD displays “Please input new password again,” re-enter new password 2. The device
will beep short tone twice.
If the two passwords are modified successfully, the LCD screen displays a prompt to enter section 1 or
section 2 according to the key sequence entered in “Setting User Activation/Deactivation Password.”
If entry times out, the device quits the “Want Fix / Removal Device” state. Time intervals for entry:
The interval between passwords 1 and 2 can be no more than 20 seconds.
The key press interval between two password characters can be no more than 10 seconds.
Any key will have a short tone to indicate entry.
Part 3: Activate Removal Detection
To activate removal detection:
Power-on the L100, and immediately after the device beeps once and the LCD screen displays its
version message, press
Clear, Enter, Blank, Clear,
(6 keys).
the interval
between keys cannot exceed 5 seconds.
Enter password 1, which was set in Part 1: Setting User Activation/Deactivation Password. If the
password 1 is entered successfully, the L100 beeps twice.
Enter password 2, which was set above. If password 2 is entered successfully, the L100 beeps
After the two passwords are entered correctly, the LCD screen displays the following menu:
use “*” and “#”, select “Enable PINPAD” or “Enable CR”. Press “Enter” to confirm.
Select “Enable PINPAD” to activate removal detection of the L100.
If the PINPAD Device is not fixed and
IN Removal State
: PIN Pad will beep short tone twice-
pause – short tone 3 times, and will quit the “Want Fix / Removal Device” state.
If the PINPAD Device is fixed and
IN Removal State
: the device will beep short tone twice. It
means the removal detection of PIN Pad is activated. The PIN Pad saves two records for
Active Fixed Device, and will quit the “Want Fix / Removal Device” state.
If the PINPAD Device is fixed and
IN Fixed State
: The device will beep short tone three times
and quit the “Want Fix / Removal Device” state.
Select “Enable CR” to active the removal detection of a Spectrum Pro:
If the PINPAD Device is not fixed or
IN Removal State
: The device will beep short tone twice
– pause – short tone 3 times, and will quit “Want Fix / Removal Device” state.