Installation, Operation & User Manual
Page 51
V 1.S.10 January 2021
Print delays
Print delay in single print
The printing starts at point 0 of the message. Keep in mind that the blank zone at the beginning
of the message will not be printed but is still part of the message area to be printed. Please take
this into account when setting the delay.
According to the image above, the printing will start 16 mm after the print delay. For example,
if the print delay is configured at 30 mm, keep in mind that the printing will start 46 mm after
the trigger signal.
Print delays in multi print
For multi print, also keep in mind the blank zone at the end of the message:
For example:
First delay = 20 mm: the first shot will be done 36 mm after the first trigger signal.
Delay between prints = 10 mm: there will be 32 mm of non-printing between shots
The blank zones can be different depending on the message’s variable objects:
counters, datetimes or user fields.
Note that the first print delay after trigger signal also depends on the configuration
of the photocells’ filter. The filter’s value will be added to the first delay value.