Protege SE Integrated System Controller
Installation Manual | June 2017
Lock Output Connection
The Controller provides a connection for 2 electric strike locks with full monitoring of the lock circuit for tamper
and over current/fuse blown conditions. The door lock monitoring can be disabled if it is not required.
Lock outputs are shared with the bell/siren functions as shown in the diagram below. You can select another
output for the lock control (P3 or P4) if the bell/siren function is required. To use the lock outputs in conjunction
with the onboard reader module, the Lock PGM for the door associated with the reader port must be configured
to be the desired lock output on the controller. This is not configured by default.
1N4007 Diode
12VDC Electric
Locking Device
Lock Output Connection
When using a door with an Entry and Exit Reader, the lock output shall be connected to Bell 1, and enable the
swap lock option for the second reader input to allow the reader LEDs to display the correct status.
The total combined current must not exceed 2.5A or electronic shutdown will be engaged. Ensure the
devices connected to the outputs are within the limits as detailed in the Technical Specifications.
Programming the Onboard Reader
The onboard reader is programmed in exactly the same way as any other reader module is. It can be thought of
as if it were a normal reader expander module on a separate circuit board. By default the onboard reader is
registered as the last reader in the defined profile (which is Reader Expander 008 in the Standard profile).
Consequently any reader expander module that is connected with the same address as this will be treated as a
duplicate and will fail to register. To change the address at which the onboard reader is registered, or to disable
it, please refer to the Controller Programming Guide.
The onboard reader uses zone inputs 9-12 and 13-16 as its door contact, REX, bond sense and REN inputs
respectively. Any of these inputs that are not configured for use with the onboard reader may be used as
general purpose zone inputs. To use these inputs as controller zones, you will need to disable the associated
function input in the Controller | Modules | Reader Modules section of the Protege Software Management Suite.
Alternatively, these can be disabled from the keypad by logging in as an installer and selecting Menu, 4, 1, 4,
REX and REN devices must be Listed to UL 294 for UL installations and CAN/ULC-S319 for ULC
installations, and be compatible with the system.