ICP DAS PMC-523x/PMC-224x/PMD Series User Manual
Select Group
Select the group from the dropdown list in the “Select Group” field. If
no group is pre-set, the inquiry operation will be disabled.
Select Subgroup
Select the subgroup from the dropdown list in the “Select Subgroup”
field. User can select one subgroup to view or select “All” to view
power data of all subgroups.
Data Classification
The power data classification includes the following options:
V(Voltage), I(Current), kW(Real Power), kvar (Reactive Power), kVA
(Apparent Power), PF (Power Factor), kWh, kvarh, kVAh, Daily
Accumulated Electricity, Monthly Accumulated Electricity, Yearly
Accumulated Electricity, Daily Carbon Emissions, Monthly Carbon
Emissions, Yearly Carbon Emissions, Hourly Maximum Demand,
Daily Maximum Demand, Monthly Maximum Demand, Actual
Demand and Forecast Demand. The displayed power data will be
varied according to the selected power data classification.
Realtime Chart
Realtime Chart allows display of power information of the power meter in
real-time trend and pie chart. Realtime Chart can be displayed in two modes
(Power Meter mode and Group mode). The users can change the viewing
mode according to their requirements. The detailed description is as follow:
Power Meter Mode
Select the power meter from the dropdown list of the Power Meter List
and select the classification from the dropdown list of the Data
Classification field, and then click on “Inquiry” button, it will show the
Power Meter List
All power meter connected to the PMC/PMD will be list on the
dropdown list of the Power Meter List, if no power meter is connected,
the inquiry operation will not be able to perform.
Data Classification
Data Classification allows to inquire various power data options,
including: V(Voltage), I(Current), kW(Real Power), kvar (Reactive
Power), kVA (Apparent Power), PF (Power Factor), kWh, kvarh, kVAh,