I8094A &I8094HGetting Started manual
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3.6 Home Search
offers automatic home search function; if providing with proper settings,
it would function automatically. The main steps are as bellows:
Near-home sensor searching under high-speed motion.
Home sensor searching under low-speed motion.
Servomotor Z-phase searching under low-speed motion.
Offset movement to the origin of the working area under high-speed motion.
A few steps could be skipped to adjust settings accordingly to meet customers’ actual
needs. This operation could be performed automatically, therefore economize on CPU
resource and reduce programming efforts. Even though there are only four home search
steps, by software functions adjustments that offers home search direction
configurations and with the variations being made by skipping certain steps, there are
actually more than 10 home search modes provided.
3.6.1 Home Search Configuration
Logic level setting for Near home sensor and Home sensor
Please refer to Manual “
i8094H_Manual_1.3tc.pdf” section 2.8, function
i8094H_SET_NHOME() for detail settings.
2. Home sensor logic level settin
Please refer to Manual “
i8094H_Manual_1.3tc.pdf” section 2.9, function
i8094H_SET_HOME_EDGE() for detail settings.
3. Home-speed settin
Please refer to Manual “
i8094H_Manual_1.3tc.pdf” section 5.1, function
i8094H_SET_HV() for detail settings.
Please refer to Manual “
i8094H_Manual_1.3tc.pdf” section 6.1.2, function
i8094H_SET_SV() for detail settings.
4. Home mode settin
Please refer to Manual “
i8094H_Manual_1.3tc.pdf” section 5.3, function
i8094H_SET_HOME_MODE() for detail settings.