I8094A &I8094HGetting Started manual
Ver 1.3-- 105
The emergency stop signal for each servo ampilfier can be selected from SW1. The number 1,
2 , 3, 4 on SW1 are denoted as axis X, Y, Z, U, respectively. Fig. 3-13 is the default setting to
connect the EMG singals to GND. The EMG signals from CN1 ~ CN4 will not take effect. If
the switch is disconnected as shown in Fig. 3-14, the emergency stop signals can be controlled
from EMG signals in CN1 ~ CN4.
Fig. 3-13 SW1 setting for normally GND (Default setting)
Fig. 3-14 SW1 setting for user controlled signals.
JP10 ~ JP13
Jumper 10 ~ Jumper 13 can select the reset function in CN1 ~ CN4 for each axis. The following
diagram is shown the selection condition of the JP10.
Fig. 3-15 JP 10 ~ 13 setting