I-2533 User Manual (ver. 1.1, 2013/05/31) ------21
Step10: Selecting one filter form the
“Pass List” and clicking “Delete one”
button can remove one setting. For example, if users want to remote
the setting of ID 0x018 from the CAN 2.0A Pass List, click the ID
0x018 in the
“Pass List”, and click “Delete one” button. The ID 0x018
will be removed from the
“Pass List”. “Clear all” button will remove all
settings from the
“Pass List”.
Step11. After finishing the configuration, set the rotary switch value to
“0” ~ “A”
and reboot the I-2533. The CAN message filter will be applied
automatically in the value
“0” ~ “A” of the rotary switch. The CAN baud
rate set by utility is only appled when the rotary switch is set to