Hunt List
APCO P25 Trunking –
Clone Soft Setting
Even if the available number of control channels in a
list has been set in Capacity in the List Operation
screen, you can add or delete a channel in each list.
To create a new channel, point to the cell on the
[New] line which is located at the bottom of the
Enter a control channel ID from the broadcast
channel structure to set an uplink frequency. The ID
is defined by TIA TSB-102. AABD.
TX CH Number
Enter a control channel number from the broadcast
channel structure to set an uplink frequency. The
number is defined by TIA TSB-102. AABD.
screen, then double click or right click to display the
Edit menu and click [Edit...Enter] to create a new
This function validates entry into the channel.
Select "ON" to validate the entry.
number is defined by TIA TSB 102. AABD.
TX Freq
Enter an uplink frequency of a control channel in
Hertz (Hz).
The value must match to the value calculated from
a channel broadcast
RX Select the way to set downlink frequencies of
control channels.
a channel broadcast.
Roaming List
List Operation
CH ID Only
Set a downlink frequency of a
control channel in RX CH ID
and RX CH Number.
CH Freq Only
Set a downlink frequency of a
control channel in RX Freq.
RX CH ID Enter a control channel ID from broadcast
channel structure to set a downlink frequency. The
ID is defined by TIA TSB-102. AABD.
RX CH Number
Enter a control channel number from the broadcast
li k
channel structure to set a downlink frequency.
The number is defined by TIA TSB-102. AABD.
RX Freq
Enter a downlink frequency of a control channel in
Hertz (Hz).
Set the available number for the Roaming.
When "5" is entered in Capacity of Roaming List1,
Roaming List1 has 5 addresses. A total of 4
roaming list settings are available, and each list can
have up to 10 addresses.
The value must match to the value calculated
from a channel broadcast.
Select the way to set uplink frequencies of control
Even if the available number of roaming areas in a
list has been set in the Capacity item in the List
CH ID Only
Set an uplink frequency of
list has been set in the Capacity item in the List
Operation screen, you can add or delete an area in
each list.
control channel in TX CH ID
and TX CH Number.
CH Freq Only
Set an uplink frequency of
control channel in TX Freq.