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User’s Guide
NPM800 – NPM800R
Date : 05/2013
Edition :30/01/2014
Folio : 59
Indice : g
If the Master is connected at one end of the network, it is necessary to install a resistance of
adaptation, not provided by ICE, then, according to the diagram below, connect the terminal
"Rterm" to the terminal "- T/R" of the end relay of the connection thanks to the jumper. The
jumpers of the other relays of the connection will have to be removed.
10.3 Polarization of the RS 485 connection
Polarization having to be single on a line to prevent the risks of transmission, it is in this case
recommended to use the supplies and resistances (470 ohms) of polarization of the Master.
10.4 RS 485 connection not used
If the communication is not used, it is necessary to connect the terminal "Rterm" to the
terminal "- T/R" of the relay thanks to the jumper(s) fitted for this purpose (RS485-1 and