ibaPADU-8-M Manual
Issue 1.9
Data Buffer Size
In order to grant the proper operation with continuous data streams, there are several
buffers of fixed size. (This is not important in case of single measurements)
iba-M buffer size:
1.024 values per measuring channel.
Driver buffer size:
25.000 values per measuring channel.
ibaLogic buffer size:
50.000 values per measuring channel.
Theoretical approach to the relation between continuous data streaming and ibaLogic
task cycle.
ibaPADU-8-M-sample time
e.g. 40 µs
Quantity of data to be read:
e.g. 2050 values
Data-reading interval (in ibaLogic)
e.g. 25 ms
1 / 25 ms x 2050 = 82.000 values/sec/channel: Data read rate (DRR)
1 / 40 µs
= 25.000 values/sec/channel Data generation rate (DGR)
The data read rate must be at least three times the data generation rate!
This is required in order to avoid data loss during online operation in case of temporary
inhibited ibaLogic cycles.