ibaPADU-8-M Manual
Issue 1.9
The graphical representation of the ibaPADU-8-M device is not animated.
The large table on the left side and the fields on the right side of the Padu picture show
the settings of the PADU setup. If the ibaFOB card is set to active mode by means of
ibaDiag, which is only possible when ibaLogic is not running at this time, you may call
the PADU setup dialog window by clicking on the button
Setup Padu M>.
Other documentation
For a more detailed description of the diagnostic functions and parameters please re-
fer to the ibaDiag manual which can be downloaded from our website.
Finally, there is another level in the tree with more information, the module level.
In this view you may already see measured values running. By the way, this is working
independently from a software application such as ibaLogic or ibaScope.
Close the ibaDiag window in order to return to the next steps of the setup.