Manual ibaPADU-8-M
Issue 1.9
Hardware Settings
The connection between ibaPADU-8-M and the software application on the PC is the
ibaFOB-io (-S) PCI-board or the combination of ibaFOB-4i + ibaFOB-4o.
Please note to connect the fiber optic links to the corresponding ports on the ibaFOB-4i
and ibaFOB-4o card (same order top-down), e.g. as shown in the figure above.
Modes of Operation FOB-F and FOB-M
In contrary to previous interface cards, the modes of operation are set by software
means. In ibaLogic there are corresponding dialogs.
Basically, there are two operational modes: FOB-F and FOB-M.
FOB-F is the mode of operation for usual data acquisition with the major part of iba de-
vices such as ibaPADU-8, -16, -32, ibaLink-SM-64-io, ibaLink-SM-128V-i-2o,
ibaNet750-BM etc. The fastest sample rate is 1 kHz (1 ms). You may use ibaPDA,
ibaLogic or ibaScope as software application. When using ibaLogic, only an asynchro-
nous mode is possible, i.e. ibaLogic can not be synchronized by ibaPADU-8-M.
The FOB-M mode is used for fast data acquisition with sample rates of up to 25 kHz
s). Running in FOB-M mode, the ibaFOB-card can only work with the devices
ibaPADU-16-M, ibaPADU-8-M M or –ICP. Only ibaLogic or ibaScope can be used for
software application. The operation in a synchronous mode, i.e. with synchronizing
multiple systems, is possible with ibaScope only.
Menu “File - System Setup - FOB-IO / FOB-M”
The checkbox “Used by ibaLogic” must be checked for ibaFOB-card which is con-
nected to the ibaPADU-8-M.