ibaPADU-8-M Manual
Issue 1.9
Then click on button <Configuration FOB I/O> to open the setup dialog for the ibaFOB-
Select the corresponding ibaFOB-card in the tree on the left side. On the right side you
see the settings of the selected card. Choose the line of the link which is connected to
the ibaPADU-8-M and select
FOB-M Mode
in the fields for both “Receiver Format” and
“Sender Format” from the pick-list. Then click on the <Apply> button.
You will get into the same dialog via menu “File - PCI-Configuration - FOB-IO-PCI Link
Settings”. Instead of the <Apply> button you will find the button <Save configuration>
which in fact has the same function.
There is a second button <Configuration FOB/M> in the dialog “System Settings –
FOB-IO / FOB-M” which opens the dialog for the preset of several parameters for
FOB-M mode operation.
You may provide presets for the listed parameters but usually the parameters are pro-
vided during operation by the software application, e.g. ibaLogic. The parameter setting
from the application overwrites the presets of this dialog.
You will get into the same dialog via menu “File - PCI-Configuration - FOB-M-PCI Link
Settings”. Instead of the <Apply> button you will find the button <Save configuration>
which in fact has the same function.