Issue 2.5
Replacement for ibaBM-DPM-64 device (DPM64)
The device ibaBM-DPM-S-64 can be used as a replacement for the
ibaBM-DPM-64 device in all modes of operation
(Modes 5, 6, 7 for “input”, modes 8, 9,
11 for “in/output” and modes 0, 1, 3 for “output).
The device is compatible in all functions and can substitute directly an ibaBM-DPM-64.
Neither the ibaPDA or ibaLogic settings nor the Profibus configuration or the Profibus
master program need to be changed.
Furthermore, the two Profibus connectors can be separated and the two Profibus
slaves can be distributed over both connectors. The two station numbers do not need
to be consecutive numbers anymore.
An ibaFO-A adapter for the fiber optic connection via ibaPCMCIA-F card for notebook
application is necessary because the bus module doesn't support a RJ11 jack for a di-
rect connection via spiral cable to the PCMCIA-F card.
Alternatively an ibaFOB-io-ExpressCard can be used.