Rev. 141120
Advance Settings:
White Balance: Set White Balance mode to
according to the
image’s lighting conditions for the best color temperature.
Sensitivity (Use when White Balance is set to Auto): Set between 1 and 10.
Adjust the sensitivity of the camera’s white balance function manually.
R Gain, G Gain, B Gain (Use when White Balance is set to Manual):
Adjust levels of red, green and blue in the image.
Values can be set from 0.4-4.0
Brightness: adjust the image brightness level, Values range from 0% to 100%.
Contrast: adjust the image contrast level. Values range from 0% to 100%.
Saturation: adjust the image saturation level. Values range from 0% to 100%.
Sharpness: adjust the image sharpness level. Values range from 0% to 100%.
After making any setting adjustments, remember to click the
to save any changes made.
6.3 Communication Setup
The Communication tab is used to configure network and communication settings on
the camera.
Network settings:
DHCP: Enable or Disable to have the network automatically assign an IP address
to the camera.
IP Address: Manually enter the camera’s IP address here.
This option should NOT be used if DHCP is enabled.
Subnet Mask: Manually enter the camera’s Subnet Mask here.
This option should NOT be used if DHCP is enabled.