Emergency Call
Hold down the key programmed as [Emergency] for longer than a preset time
("Emergency Key Delay Time", programmable by your dealer) to enter emergency call
The radio will switch to the preset emergency zone / channel, then transmit and receive
for a preset time in turn automatically.
While in Emergency mode, switch the power OFF or hold down the key again for longer
than a preset time ("Emergency Key Delay Time", programmable by your dealer) to exit
Emergency mode .
Stun & Revive
This feature allows user to enable/disable the transmission/reception over the air by
transmitting stun code.
Stun code (1-16 digits) is programmable. When receiving the stun code, the radio will
enter stun mode. The radio will return to normal mode upon receiving a revive code (stun
code + [#]).
3 types of stun are shown as following:
Inhibit transmission
Inhibit both transmission and reception
Kill (inhibit all radio functions)