HMG 3010
Page 27
Edition 2013-03-26 - V04 R01
Part No.: 669855
If you have selected counter pulses as the
input signal, and have returned to the normal
measurement value display, you will find on
the far right of the function bar a
, as
shown in the screenshot. The counter is cur-
rently stopped. If you select the
ing the arrow key and confirm with
, the
counter is reset and will start again. To stop
it, select the
again using the arrow
keys and confirm again with
In addition to the input channels (channels A
to channel J) there are also the virtual chan-
Channel K
Channel L
These two channels can be used to display a
differential between 2 input channels, or to
calculate a power.
When setting to
the HMG 3010
calculates for channel K the difference be-
tween channel A/channel B and for channel L
the difference between channel C/channel D.
To measure the differential, sensors with the
same measurement range, unit (of meas-
urement) and number of decimal places must
be used on the input channels. These pa-
rameters are then automatically adapted to
channel K or L, i.e. no further settings are
If you would like to measure
Power (P*Q),
via channel K, the pressure must be meas-
ured at channel A and the flow rate must be
measured at channel B. To measure the
power via channel L you have to measure the
pressure at channel C and the flow rate at
channel D. You can then select kW, PS or
hp as the
unit (of measurement).
Entering the
upper measurement range
merely limits the scale of the Y-axis in the
graphical display.