IP WatchDog2 - Manual
HW group
March 2015
Page 4
Monitored functions and parameters
Incoming Ping
IP range
– range of IP addresses defined by IP and mask, from which the
receiving PING can be accepted.
Timeout delay for reboot
– time interval, in range from 0-1800 s ( 0
=disabled),that IP WatchDog2 waits for incoming PING before causing
Outgoing Ping
Primary target IP
– primary IP address where IP Watchdog2 sends the
PING and from which it awaits reply.
Secondary target IP
– secondary IP address where IP WatchDog2 sends
the PING and from which it awaits reply, if primary target does not responds.
Quantity of failed ping for reboot
– number of PINGs, that IP WatchDog2
assumes for lost before causing RESET.
Outgoing ping interval
– interval between sent PINGs in range of 0-1800s
(0 =disabled).
Incoming HTML
(WWW client)
Server IP
– IP address where IP WatchDog2 requires HTML page from.
Timeout delay for reboot
– time interval, in range from 0-1800 s ( 0
=disabled), for this time IP WatchDog2 awaits for an request for a HTML
page, then RESET is performed.
Reading HTML page period
– interval between demands for WWW pages
in range 0-1800 s ( 0 = disabled).
Outgoing HTML
(WWW server)
Request Page
– address of HTML page offered to monitored device.
Provides number for further processing of canal and information about
acceptable IP address and IP address client, whose required page.
Device IP
– IP address of WWW monitored client, from which the request
for releasing the HTML page is accepted.
Timeout delay for reboot
- interval in range from 0-1800 s ( 0 = disabled ),
for this time IP WatchDog2 awaits for an request for a HTML page, then
RESET is performed.
Incoming RS232
(IP WatchDog2
Industrial only)
Incoming string
– string in format ASCII, HEX or DEC awaits on port RS-
232 (* represents random sign).
Timeout delay for reboot
– interval v rozsahu 0-1800 s ( 0 = disabled ), for
this time IP WatchDog2 awaits for an request for a HTML page, then
RESET is performed.