IP Relay HWg-ER02b - Manual
HW group
33/ 42
Transmitting input states upon an edge
IP Relays can transmit current input states to the corresponding outputs at a specified remote device.
The inputs to mirror are defined by the edge mask.
------- I/O edge mask -------
#R: Rise edge mask 255
Defines the inputs that will be monitored for
rising edges
. A rising edge triggers the transmission of
information about an input state change (“closed” state is transferred):
255=all inputs, 00=no inputs.
#F: Fall edge mask 255
Defines the inputs that will be monitored for
edges. A falling edge triggers the transmission of
information about an input state change (“open” state is transferred):
255=all inputs, 00=no inputs.
Configuration of I/O control
I/O lines can be controlled over:
TCP Telnet
(NVT commands)
(NVT commands sent to the serial port
– #V)
(NVT commands via UDP to the specified port
– #U)
------- I/O control -------
#E: GPIO control from UDP Off
#J: Port
When enabled, commands to change output states can be sent to the IP Relay over UDP as well as
over TCP.
#J defines the UDP port where the I/O commands need to be sent.
#S: Send to IP
#U: Port
When the UDP GPIO Control mode is enabled, IP Relay sends the state changes to the specified
address and port.
#V: GPIO control from COM Off
When enabled, IP Relay inputs and outputs can be controlled over the serial line. Commands are
similar to NVT commands
– 0xFE prefix followed by a NVT command. For example, 0xFE 0x33 xx
sets the output to xx. The prefix is the same as for the &V command.