IP Relay HWg-ER02b - Manual
HW group
16/ 42
– Virtual Serial Port
Virtual Serial Port driver is a software tool that adds a virtual serial port (e.g. COM5) to the operating
system and redirects data from this port via the Ethernet network to another hardware interface.
HW VSP Singleport
– Virtual Serial Port (Windows) for one device only
HW VSP Multiport
– Virtual Serial Port (Windows) for up to 100 remote serial ports
The driver works in Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008
Server, including 64-bit versions.
If the device supports RFC 2217 (NVT), you can set the remote serial port parameters (speed,
parity, stop bits).
The communication can be recorded to a LOG file for easier debugging.
Getting started
Set up the IP address of the remote serial port device using “UDP setup” or “Hercules”.
Install HW VSP (from the DVD or from our website) and run it.