IP Relay HWg-ER02b - Manual
HW group
29/ 42
======= I/O Control Setup =======
#T: Trigger AND mask
Defines inputs whose
changes are automatically transmitted to the remote side
(IP address
S=X.X.X.X and port U) and synchronized with its outputs, if they change.
Only those inputs for which the corresponding bits of #T are set to 1 are transmitted.
#T = 0 (0x00)
– IP Relay does not react to any changes at digital inputs I0 through I8.
#T = 240 (0xF0)
– IP Relay only reacts to changes at digital inputs I7, I6, I5, I4. Changes at
inputs I3 to I0 are ignored. However, their changed values are always transmitted together
with any reaction to a change at I7..I4.
#T = 255 (0xFF)
– IP Relay reacts to any change at any digital input I0 through I8.
Transmission means that whenever the IP Relay
is in the Client/Server mode (“Active mode”), it
reacts to changes at its inputs just as it reacts to incoming data from the serial port = if the connection
is closed, the IP Relay establishes a connection with the specified remote side and sends the
appropriate NVT command to set the remote outputs.
If the TCP Server mode (“Passive mode”) is used and the connection is closed, nothing happens. If
the connection is open, data are send through the open connection.
Even if the input states are not transmitted to the remote side, they can still be read using the
standard NVT commands for reading inputs.
IP Relay distinguishes three
types of synchronization
when using two devices back-to-back. Their
parameters are usually configured in a similar way:
Power Up init
– (#B, #C, #D parameters)
– After reset, IP Relay sets the output to the value
specified in #A and attempts to contact the remote IP defined with S=x.x.x.x. When
successful, it requests the state of the remote device's inputs and sets its own inputs
according to the following formula.
Data change
– (#X, #Y, #Z, #W parameters)
– Upon every change at the inputs (as restricted
with #T), IP Relay informs the remote device. The remote device receives the value and uses
the second formula to set its outputs.
Keep I/O
– (#K, #L, #M, #N parameters)
– IP Relay periodically sends the state of its inputs
to the remote side.
Data synchronization after RESET (Power Up init):
The device keeps trying to establish the connection for approximately 120 seconds after powering up.
If this does not succeed, the
#A: Power Up INIT
value remains at the outputs.
= ((
retrieved remote data