104 72 79-26
NOTE! To set the Centre position, the covers must be removed.
The front cover should be used as a service panel and should stand on the side of the machine and
the cables between the cover and pc board must be connected.
1. Loosen screw (E) in the cog wheel (D) on the step motor shaft.
2. Go to the service program of the machine.
3. In Menu 1 Press
Key No 3.
, step motor now goes to its electronic centre position.
4. Turn the cog wheel until the needle is in the centre of the A-presser foot.
5. Tighten screw (E).
6. Loosen screw (F) of the calibration stop (B).
7. Remove the A-presser foot.
8. In Menu 1 press
Key No 2.
step motor now goes to the its calibration stop position.
9. Turn the calibration stop (B) until the gap is correct (0 mm) and then tighten the screw (F)
The position of the eccentric.
8. To check if the gap is (0 mm) between calibration stop (B) and cog segment (A), put on the A-foot again.
9. Press In Menu 1
Key No 1
- Needle must now go to its centre position in the presser foot.
10. In Menu 1 Press
Key No 2
- The needle shall now take its left position.
11. In Menu 1 press
Key No 5
- If the needle does NOT move in any direction, it is zero mm.
12. In Menu 1 Press
Key No 1
- Needle to its centre position in the presser foot.
13. In Menu 1 Press
Key No 2
- The needle shall now take its left position.
14. In Menu 1 Press
Key No 4
- If the gap is correctly set, the needle should now move one small step to
the right.
15. If one of point 9,11 or 14 becomes wrong - Re do from point 1.