Step 9
Turn tool so front of head faces you and remove the relief
valve Plug (85) and install relief valve Ball (81), Guide
(82), Sleeve (83) and Spring (84). Replace the Plug (85).
Step 10
244 Model (Fig. 8)
Unlock Fill Tool and check Reservoir red line. At this
point cycle the tool the with Stall Nut attached and
retaining nut locked in the full forward position (“Dead
Stall”). Reservoir should not drop below the red line on
the reservoir housing.
244OS Model (Fig. 8)
Unlock Fill Tool and check Reservoir red line. At this
point cycle the tool with the Stop still holding the piston in
the full forward position (“Dead Stall”). Reservoir should
not drop below the red line on the reservoir housing.
Step 11
Re-lock the fill tool
Lay tool on its left side and remove
Plug (40). Top off reservoir by placing a few drops of oil
in hole and waiting for air bubbles to escape. Push a pin
or a scribe into hole to check for trapped air bubbles.
Replace plug.
Step 12
Unlock the fill tool and cycle tool as in step 10. Reservoir
may drop slightly. If so, repeat step 11 until when you
touch the fill tool handle, it has no pressure against it and
it drops out of the lock position, and the plunger does not
drop when tool is cycled.
This usually requires 3
to 4 times topping off.
Step 13
244 Model (Fig. 8)
Remove fill tool and stall nut. Install a nose assembly
and pull several fasteners to test function.
244OS Model (Fig. 8)
Remove fill tool. Adjust the tools stroke for the Nose
Assembly being used by threading out Piston Stop (89).
Refer to
Measuring Tool Stroke
section for the stroke
adjustment procedure.
WARNING - Failure to re-lock the fill tool will
result in oil being ejected from the head under
pressure during the topping off of the
reservoir. Severe personal injury may result.