S1700 Managed Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual
3 System Management
S1700 Managed Series Et hernet Swi tches
Issue 05 (2012-10-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 3-16
Dynamic Neighbor
3.9.3 Router Advertise
Click System Management > IPv6 Neighbor > Router Advertise page to configure the IPv6
router advertisement information detected by switch, the configuration page is shown as the
figure below.
Figure 3-17
Router Advertise
Table 3-14
Parameters of Router Advertise
Select the VLAN to which the router advertisement is attached.
Display the neighbor request interval of the router advertisement
in millisecond.
Reachable Time
Display the neighbor reachable time of the router advertisement
in millisecond, and 1200000 milliseconds is the default value.
Min RA Interval
Display the minimum interval of the router advertisement in
second, and 198 seconds is the default value.
Max RA Interval
Display the maximum interval of the router advertisement in
second, and 600 seconds is the default value.
RA Life
Display the lifetime of the router advertisement in second, and
1800 seconds is the default value.
RA Hoplimit
Display the hoplimit value of the router advertisement.
Display the MTU value of the router advertisement.
Router Advertise
Choose to enable/disable Router Advertise.