I-V400w - I-V500w - SOLAR I-Vw - SOLAR I-Ve
EN - 37
6.2.2. I-V curve measurement by use of remote unit SOLAR-02
The I-V curve test with Irr/Temp measurement by use of remote unit SOLAR-02 can be
performed in one of the herewith mode:
Remote unit SOLAR-02 in RF connection with main unit
Remote unit SOLAR-02 in synchro recording (no RF connection with main unit) I-V curve test by remote unit SOLAR-02 in RF connection
This mode is possible ONLY if the distance between the main unit and the remote unit
SOLAR-02 can establish always a stable RF connection. This distance limit is influenced
by obstacles, air humidity, etc., so it is considered valid about some meters.
The maximum voltage among P1, P2, C1, and C2 inputs is 1000V DC (for I-
V400w and SOLAR I-Vw) or 1500VDC (for I-V500w and SOLAR I-Ve). Do
not measure voltages exceeding the limits prescribed by this manual
The maximum current measured by the meter is 15A. Do not perform test
on strings of PV modules in parallel with them
Do not perform test on PV modules or strings connected to DC/AC
1. Turn on the meter by pressing
2. Check that option YES relative to the selection of remote unit SOLAR-02 should be set
on the instrument (see § 5.1.4)
3. Check that the values set on the “Remote unit” section (see § 5.1.4) should be
consistent with the reference cell depending on the kind of module/string on test
4. Check that the value set on “Irradiance” section (see § 5.1.5) should be consistent with
the measurement to perform. It is suggested to perform the measurement with a
700 W/m
in compliance to the IEC/EN60891 guideline
5. Back to the main menu and select the “I-V” option
6. Press
, by means of arrow keys (
) select
item “
Meas. Type
7. Using the
key, select item “
I-V Test
” and confirm by
15/05/10 15:34:26
V d c
0 . 0
I r r
W / m 2
T c
= - - - ° C
Modulo: SUNPOWER 210
I - V T e s t
S e t I V F a s t C h e c k
M e a
I - V
8. Switch on the remote unit SOLAR-02 and wait that “Radio connection active”
message is displayed