Picture 8
Step 5.
Once there are at least two fasteners in each side of all the Primary
Supports go back and place the last two fasteners in each side of the supports. All
of the fasteners should turn in very easily, if for some reason one seems hard to
turn in try moving the Primary Support slightly, this should help the fastener
thread in easily. Never force a threaded fastener on the RXR frame, as you will
strip the bolt plate and cause damage to the unit.
Step 6.
Now that all the fasteners are assembled into the frame you can start to
slowly torque down the fasteners by gradually tightening each fastener a little at
a time to keep even pressure on all the threaded connection in the frame. All of
the fasteners will need to be made just snug. Once this is done and starting back
at the first set of fasteners, fully torque each fastener. Each fastener is at full
torque by turning the T-wrench about a half turn after the fastener is snug.