ALTER Command
ZRECSIZE An integer that specifies the maximum number of bytes
the subdevice can send or receive in a record. The
recommended record size depends on the protocol used
and the type of subdevice as follows:
CRT terminal Use the defined screen size as
the record size.
PTP subdevice Use the defined screen size as
Screen Size
Record Size
480 512
960 1024
1920 2048
2560 3072
3440 4096
3564 4096
ZXPARENT A Boolean variable that controls transparent-text mode
for the named subdevice. If the value is ZSPI-
VAL-TRUE, transparent-text mode is enabled for the
subdevice; if the value is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE, it is not.
The default is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE.
Transparent-text mode can only be enabled if the TR3271
line is configured with the EBCDIC character set and
control set, and transparent-text mode is enabled for
the line.
ZTYPE A pair of integers that specifies the device type
and subtype of the subdevice to be altered. The
first integer is the device type, which depends on
the protocol being used. The second integer is
the subtype, which depends on the terminal being
represented. The possible integer pairs are as
(10,x) The subdevice uses the CRT protocol.
The value of x is an integer in the
range 1 through 5 and is
associated with the following
screen sizes:
Screen Size
(10,1) 12 x 40
(10,2) 24 x 80
(10,3) 32 x 80
(10,4) 43 x 80
(10,5) 12 x 80