SPI Standard Definitions
ZSPI-TKN-HDRTYPE indicates whether the SPI buffer is for an event
message or a command. If the buffer is for a command, the value
of this token is ZSPI-VAL-CMDHDR; if the buffer is for an event
the value of this token is ZSPI-VAL-EVTHDR.
ZSPI-TKN-MAX-FIELD-VERSION contains the highest version associ-
ated with the nonnull fields within an extensible structured
token. This value is compared to the server version. If the
server version is lower than the value of the ZSPI-TKN-MAX-FIELD-
VERSION, then the command is rejected. The subsystem needs to be
a more recent version.
ZSPI-TKN-MANAGER is an optional token in all TR3271 commands.
Since the subsystem does not use a manager process, if the token
is present, the TR3271 subsystem ignores it.
ZSPI-TKN-MAXRESP within a command buffer indicates the maximum
number of responses your management application can accept
in a response buffer. The MAXRESP token default value is
provided when a management application uses the SSINIT procedure.
However, if a managment application chooses to specify a value
other than the default value for the MAXRESP token, the manage-
ment application must specify a value using the SSPUT procedure.
The TR3271 subsystem provides full support for the MAXRESP token;
that is, the management application can specify any of the
following values:
-1 As many responses as will fit in the response buffer
can be returned. Each response will be enclosed in
a data list.
0 Only one response will be returned. The response will
not be enclosed in a data list. This is the default.
n As many as n responses will be returned. Each response
will be enclosed in a data list.
ZSPI-TKN-OBJECT-TYPE specifies the object-type number of a TR3271
object. The value of this token for the TR3271 subsystem is
always ZCOM-OBJ-
name, where name specifies the object. The
valid object types for this subsystem are PROC, LINE, SU, and
NULL. The object types associated with a command vary with each
command. Refer to Section 6, "Commands and Responses," to learn
which objects are valid for a specific command.