If this token is not present, and the LINE or SU object is
specified, the command affects the named object only.
ALLOW-TYPE, and COMMENT are standard SPI tokens. With the
exception of the ZSPI-TKN-SSID token, which your management
application must pass to SSINIT, these tokens are optional.
These tokens are described in "SPI Standard Definitions" in
Section 5 and the
Distributed Systems Management (DSM)
Programming Manual.
Tokens in Response Buffer
ZSPI-TKN-SSID is an echo of the subsystem ID value provided
by your application. This token is described in "SPI Standard
Definitions" in Section 5 "Common Definitions," and the
Distributed Systems Management (DSM) Programming Manual.
ZSPI-TKN-SERVER-VERSION indicates the software release version of
the TR3271 subsystem. See "SPI Standard Definitions" in Section
5 for details.
ZTR3-MAP-RSTATS-LINE is the extensible structured token that
lists the statistical counters obtained during the sample period
for the line. It has the token number ZTR3-TNM-RSTATS-LINE and
the DDL definition ZTR3-DDL-RSTATS-LINE.
Each counter is defined in a separate field. The fields in the
ZTR3-MAP-RSTATS-LINE token are as follows:
ZRESET-TIME is the time that the TR3271 subsystem read the
counters. This time indicates the end of the sample period.
ZSAMPLE-TIME is the last time that the counters were reset.
This time indicates the beginning of the sample period.
ZTR3-LINE-CLB is a structure that contains statistical infor-
mation about the CIU-to-LIU Bus (CLB) level for the specified
line. ZTR3-LINE-CLB consists of the following fields:
ZTOTAL-FRAME is the number of CLB frames that were sent
from and received by the TR3271 subsystem for the specified
ZBCC-ERR is the number of BCC errors that occurred at the
CLB level for the specified line.
ZFRAME-ERR is the number of frame errors that occurred at
the CLB level for the specified line.