EMS Standard Definitions
ZEMS-MAP-EXIOADDR is a Tandem internal extensible structured
token. This token specifies the physical I/O address. This I/O
I/O address scheme supersedes the subchannel-type I/O addresses
previously supported using the ZEMS-TKN-CU.
ZEMS-TKN-CONSOLE-PRINT specifies whether the event messages are
processed by the compatibility distributor for printing on the
consoe. The value of this token for the TR3271 subsystem is
always ZSPI-VAL-TRUE. The ZSPI-VAL-TRUE value causes all TR3271
event messages to print on the operator console.
ZEMS-TKN-CPU specifies the CPU of the TR3271 subsystem reporting
the event.
ZEMS-TKN-CRTPID specifies the process ID of the TR3271 subsystem
reporting the event.
ZEMS-TKN-CU specifies the controller and unit number of the
object reprting the event. This token is present in the event
message buffer only if the controller used by the I/O process
uses the subchannel-type I/O addressing scheme. The information
in this token is repeated in the ZEMS-MAP-EXIOADDR token. This
token is volatile and is used for backward compatibility.
ZEMS-TKN-EMPHASIS specifies whether the event message is consid-
ered critical. If the value of the token is ZSPI-VAL-TRUE, the
event is considered critical; if the value is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE, the
event is not considered critical. The description of each event
message states whether the event is critical or not.
ZEMS-TKN-EVENTNUMBER specifies the event number of a TR3271 event
message. Most of the event numbers are equivalent to console
message numbers in releases of GUARDIAN 90 earlier than C00.
These event numbers and their associated event messages are
described in Section 7, "Event Management."
ZEMS-TKN-GENTIME is the time, in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), that
the subsystem created the event message.
ZEMS-TKN-LDEV specifies the logical device number of the TR3271
line that is the subject of the event message.
ZEMS-TKN-LDEVNAME is the subject token of every TR3271 event
message. This token specifies the name of the TR3271 line that
is the subject of the event message. This token is always
preceded by the ZEMS-TKN-SUBJECT-MARK token.
ZEMS-TKN-LOGTIME is the time, in GMT, that the EMS collector
wrote the event message to its log files.