ALTER Command
%value If the value of this field is any
16-bit octal value other than 0,
%177776, or %177777, the TR3271
subsystem responds with a RVI. The
value in this field is interpreted
as IBM Status/Sense information.
The TR3271 subsystem will send these
bytes to the host when the host,
after receiving the RVI, polls the
subsystem. The value must be in the
correct format. Refer to Appendix C
in the
Device-Specific Access
Methods--AM3270/TR3271 for a list
of appropriate values.
ZMULTI-BLOCK A Boolean variable that specifies whether the
TR3271 subsystem supports multiple block trans-
missions. If the value is ZSPI-VAL-TRUE, the
subsystem supports multiple block transmissions;
if the value is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE, it does not. The
default is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE.
ZOFFLINE-TIMER A timestamp that specifies the period of time,
in .01 seconds, that the TR3271 subsystem waits
to receive a signal from the host. If the
TR3271 subsystem does not receive anything within
this interval, the host is considered down and a
timeout error is reported. The value must be in
the 0 through 5:27:67 range. The default is 0,
wait forever.
ZPROG A 32-byte file name that identifies the program
file that is to be downloaded to the CLIP. The
default is $SYSTEM.CSS00.C9315P00.
ZREAD-CMD An enumerated value that specifies whether the
TR3271 subsystem accepts the Read Buffer and
Read Modified command from the host. The value
ZTR3-VAL-READ-NONE causes the subsystem to reject
the Read Buffer and Read Modified commands. The
value ZTR3-VAL-READ-ALL causes the subsystem to
accept both the Read Buffer and Read Modified
commands. ZTR3-VAL-READ-RDMOD causes the subsys-
tem to accept the Read Modified command, but
reject the Read Buffer command.
The Read Buffer command is supported only for
CRT subdevices. If your management application
specifies the ZTR3-VAL-READ-ALL for PTP
subdevices, Read Buffer commands are rejected.
This restriction is imposed by the protocol used
by PTP subdevices. The default value for this
field is ZTR3-VAL-READ-NONE.