107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
About This Manual xi
Notation Conventions xv
Section 1
An Overview of TACL
Running the Examples in This Manual 1-1
Style Conventions 1-2
Exceptions to the Style Conventions 1-3
Conventions Specific to This Manual 1-3
Section 2
Developing TACL Programs
Choosing a Type of Variable 2-1
Defining Program Structure 2-2
Using Flow Control Functions 2-2
Nesting TACL Code 2-7
Saving Levels of Variables 2-8
Exiting From Programs 2-9
Processing Character Data 2-9
Line and Character 2-10
Global Editing Commands 2-13
Additional Data Manipulation Capabilities 2-16
Data Types 2-17
Accessing Time Data 2-17
Timestamp Formats 2-17
Retrieving a Timestamp 2-18
Converting a Timestamp 2-19
Accessing Terminals 2-24
Defining Function Keys 2-24
Sending Escape Sequences to a Terminal 2-25
Changing the TACL Prompt 2-29
Implementing Menus 2-30
Debugging TACL Programs 2-32
Enabling the TACL Debugger 2-32
Debugger Commands 2-32
A Sample Debugging Session 2-33