107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
A group of files stored on disk. These files all have the same subvolume
name, but each has a different file ID. A subvolume name consist of one to eight
alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. An example of a
subvolume name is $DATA.INFO. An example of a file name in this subvolume is
The process of copying information between physical memory and disk
system process.
A process whose primary purpose is to manage system resources
rather than to solve a user’s problem. A system process is essential to a system-
provided service. Failure of a system process often causes the processor module to
fail. Most system processes are automatically created when the processor module is
cold loaded. Contrast with user process.
system time.
The time represented by any synchronized processor clock in the system.
. A string of characters, including the special characters * and ?, used to match
another string of characters. Templates can be used in place of file names and DEFINE
names in some commands and built-in functions.
temporary disk file.
A file stored on disk that will be purged automatically as soon as the
process that created it stops.
terminal-simulation process.
A process that is made to behave like a terminal file.
. A set of characters from the ISO 8859.1 character set. The length of text can be
limited by a specific function or command. TACL interprets a text argument as all
remaining text on the line, with leading and trailing spaces and end-of-line characters
A function performed by the operating system that involves initializing
and maintaining the correct time in a processor module.
An item containing a representation of the time. A timestamp can be
applied to an object at a critical point, such as the last modification time of a file.
transaction identifier.
A four-word identifier that uniquely identifies a transaction within
the Transaction Monitoring Facility (TMF).
transfer mode.
The protocol by which data is transferred between a terminal and the
computer system. See conversational mode and page mode.
two-way communication.
A form of interprocess communication in which the sender of a
message (requester process) expects data in the reply from the receiver (server
process). Contrast with one-way communication.
unnamed process.
A process to which a process name was not assigned when the
process was created. Contrast with named process.
user ID.
A unique pair of numbers that identify a user. A user ID has the form
, where the
identifies the user’s group, and
identifies the user within the group.