Using the INLINE Facility
Initiating and Communicating With Processes
107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
The macro displays the PERUSE banner and spooled jobs; it then deletes the jobs and
Figure 5-5. Deleting PERUSE Jobs
?SECTION emptyspool MACRO
#FRAME == Arrange for cleanup
#PUSH #INLINEPREFIX == Save current prefix
#PUSH line == Variable for line at a time
#PUSH jobno == Variable for current job number
#PUSH queue == Variable for output queue
#PUSH del_rslts == Variable for deletion results
#SET #INL == Set prefix wanted here
#SET #INLINETO queue == Use variable to collect summary
PERUSE /INLINE/ == Start PERUSE in inline mode
== The preceding command waits until the PERUSE summary is
== available and PERUSE prompts for its first command
#SET #INLINETO del_rslts == Now store deletion results
== Loop over remaining lines
#EXTRACTV queue line
[#IF [#MATCH JOB [line]] |THEN|
#EXTRACTV queue line == Get the next job line
#SETMANY jobno, [line]
+ J [jobno];DEL == Delete the job
+ E == Tell PERUSE to exit
Stopping an INLINE Process
An INLINE process remains in existence until one of the following conditions occurs:
The originating process sends an exit message to the process. The exit message
can be defined by the process (such as EXIT for FUP) or can be INLEOF or
You log off.
The process finishes its work and stops its own execution.
The originating process terminates.