Style Conventions
An Overview of TACL
107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
You can add these statements to your TACLCSTM file if you use them frequently.
In cases where TACL provides a built-in function that is similar to a command (such
as PUSH and #PUSH), the examples in this manual use the built-in function. Built-in
functions are the most basic unit of TACL, and they return results and provide easier
programmatic access to error information.
Error checking is as important in TACL programs as it is in programs written in other
languages. Possible sources for errors include terminal input and file system
Examples and sample programs are for illustration only and might not be suited for
your particular purpose. Tandem does not warrant, guarantee, or make any
representations regarding the use or the results of the use of any examples or sample
programs in any documentation. You should verify the applicability of any example
or sample program before placing the software into productive use.
For additional examples, you can view the code for TACL commands by displaying the contents
Style Conventions
The examples in this manual adhere to the following conventions for clarity and
maintainability of programs:
Built-in functions, commands, variables, and other keywords appear in uppercase:
User-defined functions, commands, and variables appear in lowercase:
STRUCT definitions are indented two columns for each level of nesting.
Similar levels of nested text in #IF, #CASE, and #LOOP statements are indented to
the same column. Indentations are in two-space increments. Matching square
brackets are in the same column; labels within square brackets start at the same
Square brackets and labels for #IF and #LOOP statements start at the same
column. Conditional text is indented two more spaces. For example:
[#IF [timenow] > 12 |THEN|
#OUTPUT Good afternoon
#OUTPUT Good morning
Square brackets for #CASE statements start at the same column. Because
#CASE statements can include include several user defined labels; labels are