107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
completion code.
A value used to return information about a process to its ancestor
process when the process is deleted. This value is returned in the process deletion
message, system message -101.
condition code.
A status returned by some file-system procedure calls to indicate
whether the call was successful. A condition-code-greater-than (CCG) indicates a
warning, a condition-code-less-than (CCL) indicates an error, and a condition-code-
equal (=) indicates successful execution.
conversational mode.
A mode of communication between a terminal and its I/O process
in which each byte is transferred from the terminal to the processor I/O buffer as it is
typed. Each file-transfer operation finishes when a line-termination character is typed
at the terminal. Contrast with page mode.
The process that initiates execution of another process. Compare with mom
and ancestor.
creator access ID (CAID).
A process attribute that identifies, by user ID, the user who
initiated the process creation. Contrast with process access ID.
data segment.
A type of absolute segment whose logical pages contain information to
be processed by the instructions in the related code segment.
A situation in which two processes or two transactions cannot continue
because they are each waiting for the other to release a lock.
default process
. The process whose name is returned by the #PROCESS function. It is
the process most recently created by a RUN or RUND command, an implied RUN, or
a #NEWPROCESS built-in function, or for which TACL was most recently paused by a
PAUSE proc-spec command or a #PAUSE proc-spec built-in function; if that process is
no longer running, there is no default process.
A named set of attributes and values.
DEFINE name.
An identifier preceded by an equal sign that can be used in place of an
actual name to identify a DEFINE in a procedure call. See DEFINE.
. The low-level character editor provided by TACL.
destination control table (DCT).
A collection of operating system data structures that
serves as a directory of named processes and logical devices.
. A peripheral hardware attachment used for input and output; for example, a
printer or a disk.
device subtype.
A value that further qualifies a device type. For example, a device type
of 4 indicates a magnetic tape drive; if the same device has a device subtype of 2, then
the magnetic tape drive has a 3206 controller.
disk volume.
Also called a disk or a volume; a magnetic storage medium. Disk names
consist of a dollar sign ($) followed by one to seven alphanumeric characters (network)
or one to eight alphanumeric characters (local), the first of which must be alphabetic.
EDIT file.
A file in a format defined by the EDIT product.