Accessing Terminals
Developing TACL Programs
107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Changing the TACL Prompt
The SETPROMPT command allows you to change the standard TACL prompt so that
it includes the current volume or subvolume name.
To make additional modifications, define a variable called _PROMPTER that contains
the definition of the prompt. Within the _PROMPTER variable, set the #PROMPT
built-in variable to the desired prompt text. To cause TACL to invoke _PROMPTER
prior to displaying a prompt, set the #PREFIX built-in variable to -1.
To save the previous prompt, push the #PREFIX built-in variable before you set
#PREFIX to the new prompt text.
The following code displays the node name, volume, and subvolume in the TACL
When you are working on your local system, the prompt looks like this:
When you have used the SYSTEM command or #SYSTEM built-in function to access
another node, the prompt looks like this:
To install the prompt whenever a user logs on, add a section to the user's macro
definition file:
Add the following line to the TACLCSTM file:
Alternatively, you could use the FILEINFO command to obtain the node name,
volume, and subvolume.
For more information about #PROMPT and #PREFIX, see the TACL Reference Manual.