107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
job ancestor.
A process that is notified when a process that is part of a job is deleted.
The job ancestor of a process is the process that created the job to which the process
Julian timestamp.
The number of microseconds since midnight January 1, 4713 B.C. at
the Greenwich meridian.
See local civil time.
See logical device.
One element of the set of values stored in a stack and known as a variable.
local civil time (LCT).
Wall-clock time in the current time zone, including any
compensation for daylight-saving time.
local standard time (LST).
The time of day in the local time zone excluding any
compensation made for daylight-saving time.
logical device (LDEV).
(1) An addressable device, independent of its physical
environment. Portions of the same logical device can be located in different physical
devices, or several logical devices or parts of logical devices can be located in one
physical device. (2) A process that can be accessed as if it were an I/O device; for
example, the operator process is logical device LDEVOPR.
logical device number.
A number that identifies a configured logical device. A logical
device number can be used instead of a device file name when opening a device file.
See local standard time.
. A named sequence of one or more instructions invoked by the appearance of
the macro name. When a macro is invoked, TACL replaces arguments of the form
with actual arguments passed to it and returns, as a result, the instructions that define
the macro, including argument values.
message system.
A set of operating system procedures and data structures that handles
the mechanics of exchanging messages between processes.
. A character that directs TACL to evaluate subsequent text in a special
A process that is notified when certain other processes are deleted. When a
process is part of a process pair, the mom of the process is the other member of the
pair. When a process is unnamed, its mom is usually the process that created it.
A process that, among other functions, is responsible for checking that certain
other processes continue to run. If a process should stop, it is the monitor’s
responsibility to restart it.
multibyte character set.
A means for identifying written characters for national
languages that require more than one byte to represent a single character.
named process.
A process to which a process name was assigned when the process was
created. Contrast with unnamed process.